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Shock it till you Rocket

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Phoenix RTI Acoustic WaveTherapy
Transforming Men's & Women's Health & Wellness

-AESTHETIC issues - Scars, cellulite, wrinkles
- VASCULAR HEALTH, osteoarthritis, ED and Prostate health

Personalized for your specific needs

Take back your Vibrant Life!

Addressing overall Wellness, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Scars and Vascular Health on your time.

Is it normal to experience a decline in function and healing capacity

as we age?

Simply put... yes, but why?

well, more importantly why sooner than we should?

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Increase your functional strength

Improve your attitude towards your daily activities and performance 

Expand your knowledge and confidence to make informed health decisions

Age related functional decline is linked to our vascular health, learn about the revolutionary technology of Shockwave Therapy.

Experience a superior alternative to traditional interventions like drugs, injections, or surgery for a wide range of men's health issues, sports or work-related injuries, chronic pain syndromes, AESTHETIC applications such as scars, cellulite, wrinkles, stretch marks, lifts and tucks.

End results focused

How we help

We use PHOENIX Acoustic Wave Therapy to stimulate and regenerate the most important blood vessels in the body, break down scars (fibrous connective tissue) and produce younger healthier tissues EVERYWHERE. So join us today, reconnect your mind with your body and jumpstart the regenerative process that will leave you feeling Sexier, Younger and Stronger for all your high level needs.
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You will no longer

Question your health or your Confidence 

Or avoid active experiences out of embarrassment and fear of judgement, injury or under - performance

Your partner in Regenerative healing

We will guide you through the healing process, so that you understand how this technology is changing your injury site. You will understand:

What to expect at each stage of treatment
How to get the most out of each treatment
How to make sure you don’t have to come back for “top up sessions”
How to stay healthy so that this therapy gives you life-long results 
How to shed the misinformation surrounding shockwave and nutrition
How to gain the confidence to take control of your overall health

Time for real results

We will give you the confidence to say no to drugs, pills, hormones, and injections because those are rarely the solution for our AESTHETIC health,  joints, pain syndromes, scars or any MEN'S HEALTH CONCERNS.

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How does Phoenix RTI stand out

Personalized care
Surgical precision
Educational backup
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Many shockwave therapy providers use standard protocols for all their patients, may not fully understand the technology, and only perform a few types of treatments.

Our approach is tailored specifically for you. 

Our clinical data driven approach to care backed by medical theory, combined with the most advanced instrumentation gives our clients the best possible results for a wide variety of Shockwave applications. We offer support no matter what your state of health and are dedicated to ensuring the PHOENIX Wave Therapy works for you. We empower you with knowledge to facilitate ongoing transformation and regeneration as you age. 

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Support that really works

During your care with us, we provide the most comprehensive and in-depth approach to treatment of musculoskeletal, vascular and aesthetic health concerns. We will discuss every aspect of your health, from habits to nutrition and give you the tools to make informed health decisions that you will benefit from for a life time. No questions are taboo, we are here to provide you with the answers you need.


With the PHOENIX Wave Therapy approach, we will give you back the strength and confidence to engage in your favourite activities.

We will guide you towards the wellness and health you’ve always deserved, no matter what your age.

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conditions we effectively Help you Manage

Wide Range of AESTHETIC applications: Cellulite, scars, wrinkles
Tennis/Golf Elbow, overuse injuries such as Carpal Tunnel
Hand/ Leg Cramping, Joint Stiffness
Plantar Fasciitis (foot pain), Achilles Tendinopathy
Diabetic pins and needles
Diabetic ulcers or wounds
Dysfunction due to Chronic disease, Osteoarthritis
Rib fracture healing
Dependence on pills such as anti-inflammatory drugs, blue pill
Men's health: ED and Prostate rehabilitation
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